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Morgan Holder

Morgan Holder
1310 Litton-Reaves (0334)
175 W Campus Dr
Blacksburg, VA 24061

My teaching philosophy embodies holding students to a high-standard with regards to effort, professionally leading by example, and giving students the opportunity to learn through real-world applications.  I take full responsibility for what my students learn, and how well prepared they are for life, work, and lifelong learning.  I teach to give all of my students an opportunity to be better. 

My teaching model will demonstrate how work ethic and direction can develop students academically, personally, and professionally.  I will work and continuously pursue that “fairness” be embedded within my teaching philosophy, instructional responsibilities, and professional goals.  I want to help all individuals within AGED.  

  • Doctor of Philosophy, Curriculum & Instruction: Career & Technical Education (2021)
  • Master of Science, Career & Technical Education: Agricultural Education (2014)
  • Bachelor of Science, Agricultural & Applied Economics, Virginia Tech (2011)

Dissertation: Collaborative Efforts between Agricultural and Special Education Teachers to Enhance Inclusion of Students with Disabilities into Agricultural Education

Montgomery County Public Schools, Agricultural Educator, 2014-2022


  • Agribusiness

Courses Taught:

  • Applied Agricultural Mathematics
  • Risk Management in Agriculture
  • Introduction to Agribusiness & Financial Management