Students toured the 2024 US Open Course and nearby turfgrass production

The location of the US Open has been determined for the next twenty-seven years, five of which will happen at the Pinehurst Resort & Country Club Course No. 2. Students in the Agricultural Technology (AT) Fundamentals of Turfgrass Management course enjoyed a behind-the-scenes tour of the course and a local sod farm, Sandhill Turf, on a recent field trip.
The Pinehurst Course No. 2 was an ideal location for the class to tour for several reasons. In addition to being the 2024 US Open Course, course instructor Jon Dickerson teaches the technique for calibrating top dressers developed by the course’s head superintendent John Jeffreys. Also, second-year Agricultural Technology student Jacob Golub completed his internship at the course over the summer.
Before the trip, Jacob gave an overview of his internship experience and a virtual tour of the course to the other students. Jacob did so well in his internship that he was invited back to work on the course during the US Open this summer.
The course’s assistant superintendent David Chrobak showed the students the maintenance shop, the Thistle Dhu Putting Course, walked the course, and showed them the renovations happening for the US Open. The students were able to see what makes Pinehurst such a special course. In addition to the great employees, the unique native areas that John established, sand cart paths, and wall-to-wall Bermuda fairways were new to most of the students. David also has a two-year associate degree in turfgrass, and he shared about his career path. While the group was there, John was meeting with the USGA officials which helped to show the amount of work and effort that goes into hosting a prestigious tournament like the US Open.
“I wanted them to have an opportunity for a unique experience and see something new. These locations also encompassed all the topics we covered in the semester,” stated Jon Dickerson, AT instructor.
The students also toured SodStar’s Sandhill Turf location. Chris York, Farm Manager at SodStar, Kyle Cook training and development manager, Mark Harris specialty turf research and development director, and Jenifer Hillard people and culture director spoke with the students. The students were able to tour the production fields to see a sod harvest, including a harvester in action. Chris walked them through the many people that it takes and the process of planting sprigs and the steps along the way to become a pallet of sod.

The group also toured the newly built research and demonstration facility, where the company showcases the specific cultivars of the different grasses in a real-world application including a fairway, putting green, and demonstration research plots. We are thankful that Sandhill Sod Farm provided refreshments.
Jacob Golub and Charles Welsh served as chaperones and several other second-year students attended the field trip as well.
Thank you again to all those who shared their time and expertise with our students! First-year student Whit Coggin stated, “It was eye-opening to see all of the preparation that goes into hosting a major golf tournament. At the sod farm, we got an inside glimpse to a 1,500 + acre operation that requires intensive and precise execution.”