Visitors from Alabama

The Agricultural Technology Program enjoyed hosting a delegation from Alabama’s agricultural industry, community college system, Auburn University, and state government in October. The two-day event showcased our hands-on associate degree program and our wonderful students.
The delegation was organized by Alabama Department of Agriculture and Industries Commissioner Rick Pate and Alabama State Senator Sam Givhan, in partnership with Commissioner of the Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services Joeseph Guthrie. Mr. Guthrie is a past senior instructor for the Agricultural Technology Program.
Also included was Alabama State Senator Garlan Gudger, State Senator Jack Williams, Brian Hardin, Director of External Affairs at Alabama Farmers Federation, Dr. Oladiran Fasina, Department Head and Professor in Biosystems Engineering at the Auburn University, Todd Shackett, President of Southern Union State Community College, and Boone Kinard, Executive Director of External Affairs for the Alabama Community College System.
“It's quite a compliment to the Ag Tech Program to be chosen as the model they want to emulate to develop a similar program at Auburn” stated Commissioner Guthrie.

A tour of the Virginia Tech Beef Center was given where the group was able to observe our Intro to Animal Science lab with Rachel Kohl, Senior Instructor and Assistant Director. Instructor Jon Dickerson showcased the Virginia Tech golf course and gave a tour of Lane Stadium and Worsham Field. The group also met with the College of Agriculture and Life Science leadership including Dr. Alan Grant, Dean, and Dr. Susan Sumner, Associate Dean and Director of Academic Programs and Director of Agricultural Technology. An overview of the Agricultural Technology program curriculum was given by faculty and staff and a great conversation was had about the industry need for associate degree programs in agriculture, landscape management, and turf management.